
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 

Anil Jain elected Foreign Member by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(posted: 2019-12-03)

Prof. Arun Ross, to serve as MSU Site Director for NSF CITeR
(posted: 2019-11-20)

Quan Guo receives poster award
(posted: 2019-11-05)

University Distinguished Professor Anil Jain is quoted in Consumer Reports
(posted: 2019-10-28)

Dr. Parisa Kordjamshidi, Quan Guo and Yue Zhang receive poster award
(posted: 2019-10-21)

Banerjee and Ross receive Best Paper Award
(posted: 2019-10-01)

Arun Ross awarded NSF grant
(posted: 2019-09-19)

Kennie Merz and H. Metin Aktulga receive NIH grant
(posted: 2019-09-18)

Tang and MSU Colleagues receive NSF grant
(posted: 2019-09-03)

Jiliang Tang receives NSF Grant
(posted: 2019-08-28)

Bin and Zhou awarded NIH grant
(posted: 2019-08-20)

Guowei Wei and Yiying Tong awarded an NSF grant
(posted: 2019-08-20)

Best paper award at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
(posted: 2019-07-17)

J. Engelsma and A. K. Jain, \"Generalizing Fingerprint Spoof Detector: Learning a One-Class Classifier\", ICB, Crete, 2019.
(posted: 2019-06-10)

Tyler Derr wins poster award
(posted: 2019-05-06)

Featured ACM Member: Yunhao Liu
(posted: 2019-04-29)

Dr. Laura Dillon - prepares for retirement
(posted: 2019-04-29)

Passing of former CSE Chair Dr. Anthony Wojcik
(posted: 2019-04-15)

Amin Jourabloo receives award
(posted: 2019-03-27)

Amin Jourabloo receives award
(posted: 2019-03-27)

CSE capstone course team mentioned in a recent Mozilla blog
(posted: 2019-03-20)

Jiliang Tang receives the NSF CAREER award
(posted: 2019-03-20)

Graduation Breakfast
(posted: 2019-08-28)

Aktulga receives NSF CAREER award
(posted: 2019-02-05)

Biometric Researchers Win Best Paper Award
(posted: 2019-02-05)

Student elections are open
(posted: 2019-04-18)