1. Course Permission requests will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority given to students who are required to take the course in order to graduate in a timely manner.
  2. You should only request a course permission (override) if you will have completed the prerequisites before taking the class. CSE does not allow students to request permission to take a course if the prerequisite requirements have not been met under any circumstances.
    • If you have met the prerequisite for a course in another way (e.g., you are transferring in the prerequisite from another institution, you took an MSU course that is equivalent to the prerequisite), you must indicate that information in the request form.
  3. You should only request permission if a course is not yet full to the room capacity.
  4. The CSE Department will do its best to accommodate every request, but limited resources may prevent us from granting special permission to take a course. If denied, you should talk to your academic advisor about alternative course options.
  5. CSE requests are reviewed biweekly. It may take up to three weeks for you to receive a response regarding your request.
  6. If you have major concerns, please send an email to one of the following parties with the subject “Course Permission Request for CSE xxx”:
    - CSE 200-to-400-level courses (except 498) - Billy Massey (masseybi@msu.edu) and Liz Kubias (kubias@msu.edu)
    - CSE 498 – Billy Massey – masseybi@msu.edu
    - CSE 102 – Dr. Charles Owen – cbowen@cse.msu.edu

Course Permission Request Deadlines

Enrollment Limit Requests (if you are requesting space in a course)

  • Fall Semester CSE courses
    - Submit requests before the end of May
  • Spring Semester CSE courses
    - Submit requests before the end of the Fall Semester
  • Summer Semester CSE courses
    - Submit requests before the end of the Spring Semester

Prerequisite Requests (if you are expecting to meet course prerequisites in another way, and you want to be able to enroll in a CSE course on your April enrollment date)

  • CSE counses for the next Academic Year
    - Submit requests before the third week of March

Online Course Request Application

If you are an Undergraduate, please follow this link:
Online Course Permission (Override) application form