CSE maintains its own computing facilities for research, instruction, and general work for its students, faculty and staff. This collection of pages for should help answer most any question involving the labs, servers, account info, and software.
Facilities Information:
- Logging in for the first time
- Your username and password
- Reset your lost password
- Account creation and termination
- Windows profile problems
- Manage your account from Account Portal
- Restore desktop icons on linux labs
- Firefox says it is already open
- Create a webpage and secure it
- Basic linux commands
- Linux permissions
- Quotas, space and dotfiles
- Text editing with vi and emacs
- Text formatting with LaTeX
- Linux printing and print quotas
- Create ssh keys
- Which laptop to buy
- Mac Information
- X2Go Linux remote desktop
- X2Go Debuging tips
- Mysql Password setting and resetting