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Dr. Yu Kong, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, has been awarded an NSF grant in the amount of $225,000. The project title is “ReDDDoT Phase 2: A User-Centered Platform for Digital Content Integrity”. 

Dr. Borzoo Bonakdarpour, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, has been awarded the NSF grant in the amount of $150,000. The project title is “Enhancing the Bounded Model Checking Tool for Hyperproperties (HyperQB) for Industrial Applications.”

Dr. Huacheng Zeng, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, has been awarded an NSF grant in the amount of $400,000. The project title is “Collaborative Research: Breaking Information Sharing Barrier at Signal Level: A Learning-based Interference Mitigation for Pay-As-You-Go Spectrum Sharing.”